Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Those are my paper plates BIOTCH! Just because they are sitting in my overhang doesn't mean you can help yourself. What? Do you think the "Paper Plate" fairy sprinkled some paper plate dust and made them appear? Well, she didn't. And don't even think about replacing my Dixie brand paper plates with those cheap assed dollar store plate either.

BTW, The cleaner that sit's under my desk. It belongs to me as well. It was purchased by me for my use. Same with the paper towels, they are mine all mine. And no! I don't have any Tylenol or rolaids. Go see the nurse. Better yet, try hitting a store every now and then. Believe it or not, you too can purchase these items.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing. I am actually very giving...When you ask.

Do I have General Store written across my forehead? I think not.


SignGurl said...

Don't even get me started about cheap paper plates. I can't stand them!

When I worked in an office, I hated when people just took my stuff. Just because I worked in a cubicle with no walls or doors, doesn't mean my stuff was everyone's for the taking.

Rock on, Sista!

G-Man said...

Good Night Manny...xoxoxo

barman said...

Oh dear... have the cats been being cheap again?

This so reminds me of the commercial where the person brings in coke and it all disappears. Then they bring in a case because "one has to account for sharage." No you don't. I will share if I am not being taken advantage of. The office environment is a trip at times.

Oh and I have a stack of cheap paper plates at home. Believe you me, I have reformed. I will not do that again, ever.

Crabby said...

Oh look. Manny's back to work again. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha!

jillie said...

I guess that's like people asking you for money. Do I look like I own a bank? I don't think soooooo!!

LOL. Good thing for locked cabinets.

SignGurl said...


Manny said...

I was on the phone. When I came back in, my kittens had searched something on the internet. LOL I don't know what they clicked on, but they did.

Anonymous said...

LOL..Manny's back! time to let em know the Sheriff's back in town.
Welcome home manny.

Anonymous said...

I think they were looking at my PlayCat layout.:)

Manny said...

tc-i think you are right. They just keep purring up against my pc.

GAB said...

Yeah I hate those cheap paper plates myself. and when I was working if I had candy anywhere near me they all thought it was a ok to help themselfs.