Monday, November 05, 2007


Here is an after shot of the tree on the other side of my garage. I went mad crazy with my loppers and lawn bags. The branches were touching the ground and I could stand up underneath them. It was the perfect hiding place for "The Bad Man".
I forgot to take a before shot. As a matter of fact, I had forgotten that side all together. That's when I went mad crazy. I was lopping branches so fast just trying to get finished. Then I had to gather them and cut them down for the lawn bags.
It wasn't until I decided to take a picture I realized what overkill I had just committed. I hope this tree has a forgiving spirit.


G-Man said...

Candy Candy Candy!!!
How sweet of you to make a post just so The Ole G-Man can be #1 again!!
You Are absolutely so Wonderful to me..xox

GAB said...

ok look at the pic....see her arms raised up to her face in total shock!
I dont think shes in a forgiving mood! you better stay away for awhile!
lol ha ha hee hee

GAB said...

Or wait maybe she has her arms up to her new do? you be the judge!

Manny said...

G-Man-You are without a doubt, my # 1.

Gab-I think I heard her shivering last night. She's upset with me. LOL

barman said...

Why do I have pictures of Edward Sizorhand going crazy on the trees and then I look and it is just Manny. The timing may not be good for the trim but I am sure everything will turn out in the end.

Anonymous said...

LOL..I wish there was a video of this.

Manny said...

Barman-Yea! That scissorhands guy. I just went mad crazy.

tc-A video would've been priceless. I don't even want to think of how I was looking while I was out there giving the tree a 'talking to'. LOL

Come to think of it, the elderly gentleman across the street hasn't waved to me since.

SignGurl said...

Umm...Candy, you have far too much energy. This was the proper time to trim and I repeat trim (not shear) your tree. She will make it, but she will be upset for at least a year.

Someone stop her with those loppers!

Rex Venom said...

That tree will never mouth off again. Or live,either, I guess! ha!
Rock on!

Manny said...

sign-I know, right. I forgot about that side. I was walking around to get to my garage and it was just standing there...laughing at me. I was sooo tired and all I wanted was to get finished.

Rex-Nor will it ever laugh at me again.

Crabby said...

Yeegads! Somebody get that tree a warm blankie. It's been depants!

G-Man said...

Good Morning Man-Eater!!
Hows My Candy Cane today?

Manny said...

Crab-Depants LOL. I only wish I had the gut's to tackle the tree out back.

G-Man-I'm good. I have my shower and have cleaned my kitchen already. Woot! I'm ready to play.

It's cold here.

Crabby said...

Where are the pics of your new hairstyle? I get 5 lousey minutes to take a break, come here lookin' for pictures and.....nuthin!

Shame, shame, shame!

Crabby said...

G's showin' favoritism!!!! That's not fair!

GAB said...

So Manny how's the tree treating ya? Talking to you or still shivering?

Manny said...

Crab-I was watching Judge Joe Brown. It's "Take your same sex lover" to court week. LOL I really do need to get back to work.

and play nice with G. hehe

Gab-She's throwing me dirty looks. *shiver*