Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Squirrel has finally done it. She has the internet guy coming on Saturday. I'm going over and setting up her yahoo e mail and IM. Oh yea, and save the really cool blogs as her favorites. I'll help her create a blog of her own, even though she say's she doesn't want one. She doesn't know what she wants. I can see her now, stalking all of us in the middle of the night demanding we come out and play. Anyway...I really am stoked she is finally getting hooked up. Yay!


SignGurl said...

Uh oh! You won't be able to 'tell all' now that the other big sis is watching ;)

Manny said...

Ahhh ah ah ah ah I'll figure something out.

barman said...

Just think Manny. It was not all that long ago that was you. I think she will find something interesting out there. If nothing else I bet there are a bunch of OSU bloggs out there.

barman said...

Oh no, like Sign said ... no more Manny After Dark.

G-Man said...

Another Buck-Ette???
Rock and Roll Squirrel..

Good Night Manny..

GAB said...

Yea... happy dance she is finaly caught up with the times! lol
Hope she gets a blog too! We've love to meet the other sister

Crabby said...

I'll believe it when I see it. Don't forget I have her on video tape asking Bob why he allows me to blog. tsk tsk!

Hey Manny, how come everybody but you treats me like I'm 5? (sigh)

Keyser Soze said...

Awesome! :-)

Manny said...

Barman-I sure hope she can handle all my badness. She's bound to find out way more than she want's to. hehe

G Man-Yep, that makes 3 of us. Could be trouble.

Gab-I'm happy and I'm dancing.

Crab-Don't interupt...don't touch that, it's hot...Go play in your room.

Keyser soze-Way so.

G-Man said...


SignGurl said...

Hola, Chica!!