Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Only to be left abandoned and neglected by it's owner. How wrong is that? Such a pity, it sit's here day after day just hoping to someday be utilized to it's fullest potential. Leave it to whitey to keep a good blog down.


barman said...

Hey you are too funny. There are several people that I know of that are on break or maybe not coming back, you just do not know. Do what ever works for Manny but it sure is nice to see you again.

Now I knows you are a football type of person for your Buckeyes but you know we are just about to do something else. Big ten basketball, both men and women, are just a short time away from a big 10 tourney. That means more things with Michigan and Ohio playing against one another... Could be fun!!!

{{{hugs}}} to long lost Manny.

G-Man said...

It only takes 10 minutes every day, you can do it!
Ooops...Good Night..xox

SignGurl said...

I ♥ U!

Manny said...

Barman-Funny? I was thinking pathetic. LOL

I've been to OSU B Ball games before and I like playing with Michigan. LOL

G-Man-That's easy for you to say. Lately I've been having nights that I don't even come in my puter room.

btw, I hear on your blog you've been living dangerously. hehe

Sign-I (can't find a heart) you too! How do you do that stuff?

GAB said...

Yep know what you mean mine is just sitting there saying Good bye

G-Man said...

Good Night Sweetie..

Mone said...

Is the sun not waking you up yet?

SignGurl said...


*tap tap* is thing thing on?

jillie said...

I feel your pain. I go brain dead and sometimes it's just painful to have to go to everyones blog...pffft!