Thursday, November 08, 2007


I received my hospital bill today. Not the bill, but the insurance coverage. This got me thinking about my 11 day stay.

When I first got to my floor the staff was great. For 2 days I had some great care givers. They were all over it. We actually were able to joke around in between injections of some 'kick your butt' pain meds.

Then came the 'Night Crawler". She came in the wee early hours of my third morning. She spoke with an accent that sounded like Haitis or some crap. I don't know where she was from, but she freeked me out. And she was mean to my roomy and I liked my roomy. Not to mention, when the other nurses gave me my 'make nice' pain meds, they used two vials. The Night crawler only used one. I didn't question her about the number of vials she gave me.

Then I notice she is on the computer (they have 1 in every room for staff) and I can see she is pulling info up on several different patients. I said something to her about it and she got all huffy with me.

They changed shifts and my day crew were all different and we were able to have a good time. I even got lots of apple juice (Crab yelled at me for not drinking water).

Wee early hours of the fourth day. The 'Night Crawler' returns. This time I'm ready for her attitude. I didn't sleep at night when I was in. My roomy did. 'Night Crawler' came in making so much noise my roomy woke up. My roomy asked her if she would hand her her purse? She wanted her lip stick. This lady was old school and wasn't about to let herself go with bare lips. 'Night Crawler' told her she didn't have time and walked out of the room. Now I'm thinking...I ring the buzzer and ask for pain meds. She come's back in with pure attitude and gives me one vial.

Shift changes, newbies come in, I get two vials of pain meds. We have fun and my roomy get's dicharged (she has to wait on a ride). They have staff that come around asking the patients if they have any complaints or concerns. I kid you not. My mouth opened and I told them I didn't want the 'Night Crawler' anywhere near my room. I let them know my opinion was she had no business in the profession. Was that bad?

Night's five through ten I spent laying awake sipping apple juice waiting for her to come in my room and try to put chicken feet in my bed.

This trying to post new all the time is making me tired. How will I ever be able to work if I can't even blog. *wink*


G-Man said...

This sounds like Chapter One of a Stephen King Novel!!!
"The Night Crawler"
Angel of Mojo Mayhem...
Good Night Sweetie..xoxox

Manny said...

G-You snuck in. you're a sly one.

I'm not sleepy yet! I want to stay up late...

Anonymous said...

good morning sweet cheeks, I bet you were up early.
I became so upset reading about this woman's behavior, you were absolutely right in informing the staff about her behavior.
Maybe others will complain as well and she will eventually be knocked down a peg or two.
Me wonders if she was writing down she gave you two vials and kept one every time and then later sell it, it may be something you could check your bill or the hospital for to see if it's documented or not. Sounds a bit fishy to me.
Lol at the chicken feet comment, you and crabby are hysterical, what is in the water down there?
Yes..may I be quite blunt?
you ARE a dumbass for not starting off part-time.
I was off on medical for over 3 months once and it takes a long time to get back on your feet.
Have a great weekend.

Manny said...

tc-Dumbass here. LOL

I didn't bring the number of vials up. I was more upset she wouldn't hand the little old lady next to me her purse. I wasn't afraid for me. I would have just hit her in the head with my folly. hehe

I thought about contacting the hospital, but then I started wondering "Was I wrong?" I certainly wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble.

She may have been an ok nurse, I just didn't want her scary behind in my room.

Crabby said...

Manny, you dweeb! I did NOT yell at you for drinking apple juice instead of water. I "suggested" it would be healthier to drink water instead of all those pepsi's with caffeine while your kidneys were messed up.

Note to self: Give Manny a big whack in the back of the head next time you see her.

My guess is...the night nurse was stealing meds. You could innocently ask why you get two vials every other time and one when she comes on duty.

G is right...this DOES sound like a n SK novel. Night time in the hospital is some scary stuff anyhow. LOL!

Manny said...

Crab-Uh huh, several times. I was only trying to quench my thirst.

barman said...

Sounds like the both of you were both each others worst nightmere.

I was fortunate, when I was in the staff was either just OK or pretty darn good. I did not have any Night Crawler relatives although I had plenty of visits at night.

I see no reason not to complain. They need to treat people at elast half was decent or what do they expect.

Oh and I have to agree with TC. You would have been better off with at least a few days or a week of part time. Good luck on re adjusting to working.