Saturday, November 10, 2007


This is my last weekend before going back to work. Disturbingly enough, there's a part of me that want's to go back...Then there's the other part that only want's to play.

I was able to get some shopping done and some major work around the house while I was off. I'm thinking about doing some Christmas decorating this weekend. Maybe during the game today.

I've been home for 6 weeks now and you guy's have made it wonderful. I have been driving Crab crazy because I've demanded so much attention. Sign, our online chat's have meant so much to me. Thanks for keeping me company. G-Man, your phone calls and e mails have brought much laughter and silliness to my days spent at home. Barman, the cards you mailed me were great suprises for me and I just love suprises.

Enough of the fuzzy wuzzy stuff already. You guys rock and you know it.




GAB said...

Enjoy the last few hours but remember to take it easy once you get back. HUGS

GAB said...

whoo-hoo I was first and beat G-man
happy dance

G-Man said...

Good Night Manny..
Good Night Grace..
Good Night Kitties..

Manny said...

Gab-You did beat G, but now you have him under you. ahhh ah ah

I'll take it easy sweetie. Hugs right back at you.

G-Good morning honey.

Anonymous said...

That was quite a game, now I'm afraid your boys will be madder than hornets when they come into Ann Arbor on Saturday.

It was nice having you off because you were able to blog more.
Don't forget to set the alarm tomorrow and lay your clothes on for work the night before.:)

Manny said...

tc-I've changed the time on my alarm. I have stuff to pack for lunch. I have my clothes ready. My house is clean. I have movies to watch today. Big black cloud keeps getting closer...

They had better be mad as hell come Saturday. I know I sure am. I love my boys though, they make me proud. And I like coach too. hehe

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your movies..:)

Crabby said...

Oooooooo. Please don't mention the Bucks. I'm still not over it. I hate to admit it but....I was so ticked off at them, I came home and cried like a little girl. How EMBARRASSING is that?

But 3 interceptions????? COME "FIGGIN" ON! UGH! You don't throw hail Mary's against a team like Illi or any team with any moxie at all. Ok..I know. I have to stop now. LOL!

Did Gabby just push G-man, down? I swear I think she did!

You're not going back to long days again tho, right? So you'll be home by what....5? 5:30ish?