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Today was the first time since September 8th. that I've had to put gas in my car. I paid $2.99 a gallon. I shouldn't have to buy more till weekend after this.
I go to the doctors tomorrow for my 'Release' back to work slip. I don't know if she's going to insist on part time or not. As much as I would love part time for 2 weeks, the thought of completing more paper work to make that happen is causing the blood to rush through my viens.
Veterans Day is Sunday so we will observe it on Monday. This means no work for Manny on Monday. I honestly appreciate all veterans and it means so much more than a day off for me.
Speaking of work. I don't wanna go back yet. I only want to play, shop, and eat. This too is causing the blood to rush through my viens. I've become accustomed to staying at home doing whatever I want, whenever I want, or not doing IT at all for that matter. I'm ok running out to the store sporting a pony tail and sunglasses on rainy days. I can live with this.
Sign, I know I'm older than you, but will you adopt me? Please? I promise to keep my room clean and I'll even take on poop patrol detail.
All this going back to work stuff means all you guys will have to play with me between now and then.
Poop Patrol?
Manny...Thats WAY too anal, even for you...
I'm older, I'll do the adoptin round here!
But one problem, I also call my daughter Amanda..
Manny...TWO Manny Haynes'?..That would be very confusing..
Am I first?
Why No Galen...You are First AND Second!!!
Later...Candy Mannyxoxox
G Man-I'm talking kitty and puppy poo not people poo.
And you can call me Candy. What shall I call you?
How veddee smooth of you to get me twice?
Good Night Candy...
Good Night Grace..
Good Night Kitties..
Good luck going back to work. When I was off for two and a half weeks it was a bit of a shock to go back.
So does this mean if Candy is bad the G-ster has to punish her? Oh boy... :)
Within the last week I payed $3.24. I just topped my tank off since I will be doing a road trip to the Detroit area this weekend. I got it for $3.03. Better but not great. Oh well, best get used to it I guess.
Barman-Don't give G any ideas. I don't want t spanking. LOL
Well, I have my release back to work slip. I'll be official next Tuesday morning.
I also managed to get a script to wear my tennis shoes and use my fan 'when needed' I may have to go back to work, but at least I'll stay cool and my feeties wont hurt.
I played a joke on C. I told him my doctor wouldn't release me back until 12/1/07 as stated in her original submission. He got all quiet and I think I heard a sniffle. It was erie. LOL
Now come on guys, I want to play!
Manny, I will so adopt you, but only if you do poop patrol. I did just poop patrol again and I think my cats are going to overrun my house with "stuff".
I'm happy that you get to have special treatment at work. You deserve it!
Manny I can adopt you too. And if you dont want to do poo patrol here thats ok cause I dont mind. After all they are my babies and I'd do just about anything for them!
Congrats on going back to work is it part time or back to the full grind?
sign-Wait a minute, I think Gab is making me a better offer. No poo patrol. LOL
Gab-I'm going back full time. My doctor hesitated at first, but I assured her I felt better and my energy was up.
You're shameless! (I'm so proud)
I've got some poop you can pick up. You can't really see it without a microscope but...hey....what are sister's for, right?
Then I can get back to blogging.
When you go clothes shopping are you gonna post pics of the new duds? hmmmmm?
PS. My bread pudding came out fabu. Still the best bread pudding on the planet. WOOT!
Crab-I am not cleaning dust mite poop. I don't believe dust mite poop exists. Show me proof.
And I'm still waiting on the recipe for bread pudding.
I hope you can get a part time excuse for the first couple of weeks.
Yes playing is fun. I've been busy trying to get my muffler fixed and bagging leaves so my playtime has been limited plus my allergies are acting up and I've felt lethargic.
Wife only has half day tomorrow so I won't be able to play tomorrow, then there's the weekend and then Monday's I'm tired.lol
Hope the Dr visit went well for you..CANDY!:)
Michigan HUGZ
Well, I'm not sure I believe it either. Let's get a telescope. find out for sure. Maybe I'm just allegic to dust.
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone, Manny.
Do you want a dust mite pooper scooper for Christmas. you know...just in case?
tc-I'm going back full time. Doc left it up to me. I'm such a dumbass. LOL
Crab-I went to Penneys and the shoe store. I bought 2 pair of ankle boots (3 inch. heels), 5 sweaters, and 2 suits. I still have to hit Kohls and use my $10.00 card I got in the mail.
I'm cleaning poop from 3 cats. I don't have time for dust mite poo.
I can't believe you are taking Gab's offer over mine. Hrumph! You know, I live closer and can come and kick your butt easier.
You and Crabby are cracking me up about the dust mite poo.
I got two new shirts that are smokin hot today.
Sign-Send me pics of your hot new threads.
Crab thinks she's gonna sucker me in, but I'm not falling for it this time. I'm not a little kid anymore and i can't be bribed with mom's make up and high heel shoes.
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