Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Squirrel often ask's me how can one person do laundry every night? The only reason I can think of is I do several tiny loads. One night I may wash whites, the next evening may be every thing colored, then I have my 'delicates', dress slacks, blouses etc... Now I have to wonder, why do I have so much laundry?

Something else I have a great deal of for being just one woman is trash. How in the heck do I manage to fill up a dumpster every week? Ok, maybe not every single week, but to see my trash you'd think I had 5 or 6 people living here. This msy be a question for Mr knowitall. He know's it all.


G-Man said...

My Dear Candy...
You are known as a neat, organized, tasteful, meticulous, icon of home decor!!!
Your lovely home has NO room for unsightly trash!
Use it until it's useless, then trash it!!
Thats not too hard for a ManEater is it??
I hope I've answered your question...

barman said...

I think you just do it so people think more people live there then do. It is a self defense mechanism.

I am terrible. I go maybe a week, maybe a little more and then do two or three loads and I am all done. No delicates for me. :)

SignGurl said...

My mother would say you are either really dirty or really clean. She's wise like that.

I'm proud of all my trash because that means it's not piling up inside my house.

Soooo good to see you around again!

G-Man said...

Manny around?

Good Night Candy Cane..xox

GAB said...

I'm sre a lot of that trash is the junk mail you receive! it just has to be right?

G-Man said...

Hi Manny....xoxoxox