Yesterday was the 8th. wasn't it? I dunno I forget. What I do remember is waking up and finding giant mounds of snow piled up against both of my doors.
I shoveled my front walk and James Todd, the bestestest lawn guy in the world took care of my drive and mail box.
I haven't left my house since getting home Friday night and I'm actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. That's scary.
I would NOT feel like going out in that snow!!!
The first one tries to infect your computer (I believe) and the second one takes you to some sight that is blocked for me. Usually that is either and adult sight or a spammer/hacker sight.
Manny, you may wish to delete the comment from Nenos unless it is someone you know.
Make that adult site.
Thanks barman
Hi Mone!
I'm so jealous of all that snow. All we got here is coldness.
I love you kitty picture!! It's like she's saying, "ain't no way I'm goin' out in that."
So how is your snow doing now? Someone I know from aways south of you (Kentucky) only got about 13 inches and now it is all but gone. Well?
Did it all melt yet?
Hi Manny....
I'll be back here everyday from now on...
You'll see..G
Have a Happy Easter Manny!...G
We got 4 to 6 inches yesterday. Will it ever end?
Happy Easter Manny.
Happy Easter Candy Cane...G
I better get to deleting.
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